mercredi 12 décembre 2018

Specify parent in API request

I'm pretty new to ember and have been somewhat thrown in at the deep end with it so there's a good chance I'm missing something that should be incredibly obvious here.

Anyway, my rails application has defined a route as /api/1/publications/:publication_id/catalogs. This is working fine.

However, I cannot for the life of me get Ember to use this route, everything I try either results in a request to /api/1/catalogs - or no request at all.

My router.js file has: {
  this.route('publication', { path: '/publication/:publication_id' }, function() {
    this.route('catalogs', { path: '/publication/:publication_id/catalogs' });

My publications model has

catalogs: DS.hasMany('catalog'),

My catalog model has

publication: DS.belongsTo('publication')

And, amongst a few others lost to undo's, I have tried the following methods of querying this data in my route .js file

model() {
  var output = {
    model: this.modelFor("publication")

  let publication = this.modelFor('publication');
  output.catalogs = publication.get('catalogs');

  return RSVP.hash(output);


output.catalogs = output.model.get('/api/ember/1/publications/' + + '/catalogs');


var output = {
  model: this.modelFor("publication"),
  catalogs: model.catalogs,


this.get('store').findAll('catalog', {'publication_id':, reload: true});

Could someone please give me a pointer to what I'm doing wrong / not doing please?

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