lundi 6 avril 2020

emberjs child component not re-rendering after property update

I have a page component (five-whys) with a number of inputs that the user can choose to finalize the input. When the user clicks finalize, all questions are made to be disabled.

Page component


    @disabled= />

<button >Finalize</button>


interface AnalyzeFiveWhysArgs {
  dataStory: DataStory;

export default class AnalyzeFiveWhys extends Component<AnalyzeFiveWhysArgs> {
  @alias("args.dataStory.fiveWhysAnalysis") fiveWhysAnalysis

  isFinalized: boolean = this.fiveWhysAnalysis.isFinalized ?? false;

  whys: LocalWhy[] = this.fiveWhysAnalysis.whys;

  isFinalized: boolean = this.fiveWhysAnalysis.isFinalized ?? false; 

  async finalizeWhy() {
    this.isFinalized = true;

This works fine when my rich text component is just a regular text area. However, I am trying to implement tinymce which requires me to do stuff outside of Embers little safe space of magic.

My rich text component:


<textarea id= disabled=></textarea>


interface GenericRichTextInputArgs {
  value?: string;
  onChange: (value: string) => void;
  name: string;
  disabled?: boolean;

export default class GenericRichTextInput extends Component<GenericRichTextInputArgs> {
  constructor(owner: unknown, args: GenericRichTextInputArgs) {
    super(owner, args);


  id =;

  get editor() {
    return tinymce.get(;

  get settings() {

    const settings: TinyMCESettings = {
      selector: `#${}`,
      setup: (editor: Editor) => this.setupEditor(this, editor),
      readonly: this.args.disabled ? this.args.disabled : false
    return settings;

  initializeTinymce() {'afterRender', () => {
      console.log("re-initializing"); // I expect to see this log every time the isFinalized property in the five-whys component changes. But I only see it on page load.


  setupEditor(self: GenericRichTextInput, editor: Editor) {
    ... // details of tinymce API

When I click the finalize button, The effect of the disabled flag in the rich text component does not change.


The tinymce library I'm using sets the text area display to none and the aria-hidden to true. This is because it wraps the textarea in a widget. So I have to use the library's api to set disabled.

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