mardi 18 mai 2021

Emberjs: Use args as tracked property

I am doing a store query in the controller and then passing the result down to a child component.

// Controller
@tracked comment;

async fetchComment() {
  const comment = await'note', {
    filter: {

  if (comment && comment.length > 0) {
    this.comment = comment.firstObject;

// Template
<MyComponent @comment= />

I want to use the arg to populate a tracked property in the child component.

// Component
@tracked comment = this.args.comment;

I found this does not work but works well as a getter. However with a getter I am unable to set this to null when deleting that record.

I have also tried to set the tracked property in the Constructor but that didnt work either.

I suspect this has something to do with passing in a promise or store object in the args because this works fine with static data.

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