mardi 18 mai 2021

Parent Page refreshing after Modal Dialog hide in Ember JS using scope or this .transitionToRoute

I have a modal dialog that opens up, after making changes and clicking save, its saving but not refreshing the data on the parent page, any help please?

Hi, I have a modal dialog that opens up, after making changes and clicking save, its saving but not refreshing the data on the parent page, any help please?

        setViolationInactive: function () {
            var scope = this;


            let model = this.get('model');
            console.log('model 001');

            //validating form
            if ($("#edit-violationinactive-form").validate()) {
                var data = {
                    ViolationId: this.get('model.ViolationId'),
                    ResultId: this.get('content.ResultId'),
                    InactiveComment: this.get('inactiveComment'),

                scope.api('InspectionItem/SetViolationInactiveResult').post(data).then(function (response) {
                    toastr.success("Violation set Inactive.");
                }, function (error) {
                    toastr.error("Error saving violation inactive.");
            else {
                toastr.warning("Please fix the form", "Validation failed");

Any help why is it not refreshing the result details page, the route for that one is: result.details, any help please?

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