lundi 22 décembre 2014

Can someone explain to me why this emberjs observeable doesn't get fired?

Whenever I save data ( self.get('content').pushObject(record);) and push the record back into the content Array, the observable doesn't get fired. I need the observable to fire so the content array gets sorted again. Can you please explain to me why its not firing?

saveIdea.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
appName: 'My First Example',
todaysDayOfMonth: moment().format('DD'),
todaysMonth: moment().format('MMMM'),
body: '',
taggy: '',
content : Em.A(),
sortContent : function()
var ideas = this.get('content').toArray();
ideas.sort(function(a, b) {
if (moment(b.get('date')).isBefore(moment(a.get('date')))) {
return -1
} else {
return 1
todaysIdeas: function(){
actions: {

save: function() {

var self = this;

var idea ='idea', {
body: this.get('body'),
tag: this.get('taggy')
}); {

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