mardi 23 décembre 2014

Two way binding breaks in Ember when using a jquery ui dialog

Here are my routes: () {
this.route('filter', { path: '/' }, function () {

Here's my view which creates the jquery ui popup:

ExtractCreator.FilterGeogLevelsView = Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement : function(){
var controller = this.controller;
stack: false,
title: "Geogography Levels Filter",
close: function(e,ui) {

And the template:

{{#each geog_level_group in model}}
{{#each geog_level_filter in geog_level_group.geog_level_filters}}
<div {{bind-attr class="geog_level_filter.disabled?:disabled"}}>
<label>{{geog_level_filter.label}} - {{}}</label>
{{input type="text" value=geog_level_filter.label }}

I'm binding the inputs to my model in the template, but whenever I type anything in the input field it doesn't update anywhere else on the page, nor does it show as updated in my (chrome) ember inspector's view of the model.

If I change the value manually from the ember inspector, then it updates inside the popup correctly.

If I take it out of the popup (or just remove the popup code), then everything binds correctly and the label will update when I change the input value.

How do I get correct binding behavior to work from inside the dialog?

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