mardi 23 décembre 2014

Pass a model into a component test in ember

I have a component that requires an instance of a model. The model name is WorkflowState. How do I create an instance of workflowstate and inject into the component.

I need to create the workflow state using:

WorkflowState.create('some data')

because the constructor has some logic that need to run.

I cannot get to WorkflowState. I tried adding an import statement like this

import WorkflowState from "../../../app/models/wokrflow-state";

but that didn't compile...

Any idea how I can do that?

My test looks something like this:

var stateString = 'some data';
var state = WorkflowState.create(JSON.parse(stateString));

var component = this.subject({
workflow: {state: state}
// do some testing on the component

Help please. Thanks.

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