lundi 29 février 2016

Can ember-cli watch and re-run my server code too?

So I have a simple Ember.js app which communicates with a node.js server using websockets. The stream server doesn't serve the actual ember app - just various bits of data. Can I have ember-cli automatically re-run my server code when a file is changed inside it?

My workflow is currently

ember s

node ./stream_server/index.js -p 4201

Now I can edit frontend stuff and have everything automatically update. Great! However, if I make a change to my server code, I have to manually go in and C-c it, and re-run node ./stream_server/index.js -p 4201. This gets kind of boring when I know that somewhere in Ember, there's a watcher that's already doing this for frontend stuff.

So, any chance of this working? Or do I just use some other watcher tool to do it?



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