mardi 23 février 2016

Ember: Adding observers dynamically to a dynamic form

i am new to ember. I have created a dynamic form in which i have to add fields as specified by the data from the server. So in the same template the same form may have different components for different requests. What i need to do next is add observers to these fields. I have written a mixin to do this but its not working. The console doesn't show any errors either. Any help will be appreciated.

//mixin code
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Mixin.create({
        methodsToDefine: [],
        init: function() {
                var MTD = this.get('methodsToDefine');
                MTD.forEach(function(config) {
                        // add an observer for checkerName - a change should call methodToCall
                        console.log("inside mixin");
                        Ember.addObserver(this, config, this, "changeObserved");
                }, this);

        willDestroy: function() {
                var MTD = this.get('methodsToDefine');
                // since we are good citizens, we remove the observers when the object is destroyed
                MTD.forEach(function(config) {
                        Ember.removeObserver(this, config, this, "changeObserved");
                }, this);

//from th mixin i am simply calling this function from the controller
changeObserved: function() {

//from the controller i am also setting an array of field values that have to be //observerd as the array methodsToDefine
               var temp = [];
 {{#bs-form formLayout="horizontal" model=this action="submit"}} 
                    {{#each wizardData.wizardSteps as |wizardSteps|}}
                        {{#each wizardSteps.wizardStepFieldSets as |wizardStepFieldSets|}}
                            {{#each wizardStepFieldSets.wizardStepFields as |wizardStepFields|}} 
                                    {{#component "bs-form-element" controlType=wizardStepFields.fieldType label=wizardStepFields.fieldLabel placeholder=wizardStepFields.fieldLabel name=wizardStepFields.fieldLabel value=wizardStepFields.wizardStepFieldData.value defaultText=wizardStepFields.defaultValue type=wizardStepFields.fieldType property=wizardStepFields.fieldLabel}} 
                        <button id="form-wizard-submit" class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Submit</button>

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