I am trying to do this: I have a model called 'trip', and inside trip, an attribute called 'createdToday', which returns the date when a trip is created. What I want is to return a list of trips that were made today.
Here is my trip model:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
driver: DS.belongsTo('driver', {
async: true,
inverse: 'trip'
..... etc .......
createdAt: DS.attr('string', {
defaultValue() {
return new Date();
isBookedToday: function(trip) {
var today = new Date().toDateString();
return (today === trip.get('createdAt').toDateString);
getTripsToday: Ember.computed('trip.@each.createdAt', function() {
var tripsToday = this.get('trip');
return tripsToday.filterBy('isBookedToday', true).get('length');
In my isBookedToday, I'm trying to see if an individual trip's created time is the same as todays time, and in getTripsToday, I am trying to loop through all the trips and filtering by isBookedToday.
And in my .hbs file, I'm saying: {{trips.getTripsToday}}, which won't render anything, so something's wrong.
I guess I am most confused at Ember's @each and exactly how it works.
Thanks for any feedback.
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