I would appreciate if answers - strictly - do not make comparisons and stick to one framework which a person uses - so that opinions are not propagated!
I would like more specific information regarding -
what kind of hammer a given framework is!
I tried to search on the web regarding front end frameworks to use for making an application but there are too many diverging viewpoints.
At a given point in time there is hype around a frontend framework, but it does not serve well to a newbie who is trying to find the correct answer. Therefore, I hope the answers to this question will be more matter of fact ones and strictly related to one single framework which a person uses!
Specifically, I would like information related to -
- Angular 2
- React + Redux
- React + X (any)
- Backbone + Marionette
- Ember
- Vue
- Any other which you were very productive with!
If you have used any of these, your experience with them can be useful in another person's decision regarding choice of a framework, thanks.
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