vendredi 24 mars 2017

Ember Data and each loop and nested objects in Handlebars

I have an issue when trying to display a list of objects where each object has nested objects and there is even another level of objects in those objects. The API-respons gives me this (simplified) JSON-data where there are many freight orders:

    "freightOrders": [{
        "id": 1,
        "comment": "Freight order comment",
        "shipments": [{
            "id": 1,
            "shipment_lines": [{
                "id": 1,
                "description": "A description",
                "package_weight": 900,
                "package_length": 1200,
                "package_height": 400,
                "package_width": 800
            "pickup_address": {
                "id": 1,
                "address": "The pickup address",
                "zip": "9000"
            "delivery_address": {
                "id": 2,
                "address": "The delivery address",
                "zip": "8000"

What I want is to display a list of all freight orders, and for the time being, access directly the first shipments-line for each order. In Handlebars I have tried




Whatever I try to do, I am not able to access shipments element or any nested objects of the order object.

I can mention that I have also tried to create the shipments part as a component and pass order.shipments to the component, but to no prevail.

Searching SO and google does not reveal any hints only some examples of how to do nested each in ember 1.x

So, how can one access nested objects in an each-loop in Handlebars and Ember Data?

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