jeudi 16 mars 2017

Returning a hyperlink in an Ember component

I have an Ember component called alert-message which returns a more user-friendly error message for validation purposes. One of the error messages contains an ID (which I've hardcoded here)- I'd like to turn the ID into a hyperlink and display it in the message.

I understand using the method simply creates a string representing the code for an HTML link element.

What I currently have renders this: "Cannot update this item with <a href="/items/31010-2001-20311">31010-2001-20311</a>."

How do I turn the generated html into an actual link?

In my component template I render:

import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      errorMessage: function () {
        const status = this.getWithDefault('status', '');
          if (status === '409') {
            var id = 31010-2001-20311;
            var idLink ='/items/31010-2001-20311');
            return `Cannot update this item with ${idLink}.`;
          return status;

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