mercredi 29 mars 2017

How do I use Glimmer components inside an Ember app?

The Glimmer website states:

Just drop your Glimmer components into an Ember app. You won’t need to change a thing.

I’ve been following the official Ember quick start tutorial. I replaced the contents of the generated people-list.js component with this:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';

export default class PeopleList extends Component {


and I get an error in the browser console stating that @glimmer/component is undefined. After I run yarn add @glimmer/component to add the dependency, I get a new error from Broccoli.

Additionally, whenever I use '@' before a variable in the people-list.hbs template, the template fails to compile. How do I get the Glimmer component to work in my Ember app?

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