lundi 17 avril 2017

Ember component leaking state

I'm new to Ember and have a leaking state problem. I have a carousel widget that displays one item at a time and allows the user to click previous/next to see each item.

Here's the simplified carousel's component:

<button >Next</button>

Clicking next changes the selectedItem property so the next item is shown.

What I've realized is that the carousel-item component isn't re-initialized every time I move to a previous/next item. The DOM is reused each time, and the component's properties are shared since it's all one instance, which means I can have leaking state.

The alternative I see is to render all the items initially, so each has its own instance:


and to hide all but the selected item using CSS. However, this option kind of feels like a jQuery hack -- seems like Ember would have a better way. And I'm only ever showing one item at a time, so I hate to have so many extra DOM nodes when I don't need them.

What is the recommended way to handle this kind of a UI, where you only need one item shown at a time but don't want to share state between items? I'd imagine I should have one instance of the carousel-item component per item, instead of sharing an instance across all of them. But it doesn't feel right to instantiate every single carousel-item at first either. And I can't imagine the Ember way is to worry too much about the DOM details myself (determining which one is shown/hidden based on a class and some CSS).

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