lundi 19 juin 2017

Ember.js 2, many click, many relationships, how to handle many clicks?

I have these models:


export default Model.extend({
  teams: hasMany('team')


export default Model.extend({
  closed: attr('boolean'),
  fight: belongsTo('fight'),
  players: hasMany('player')


export default Model.extend({
  team: belongsTo('team'),
    nickname: belongsTo('nickname')


export default Model.extend({
  nickname: belongsTo('nickname')

Now I'm in the fight page and I have a list of all the nicknames and with a click on each one I need to:

  • if there aren't teams already in fight (this model) I create a team and after that I insert my player in that team;
  • if there is a team already in fight and is "NOT CLOSED" I simply insert my player in that last team;
  • if there is a team already in fight and is "CLOSED" I need to add a new team for this new player and all others new players until that team is closed.

Everything works with this code:

fight.get('teams').then((all_teams) => {
    let count_teams = all_teams.get('length');

    if (count_teams > 0) {
        let last_team = all_teams.objectAt(count_teams - 1);
        if (last_team.get('closed') === false) {
        } else {
    } else {

    function saveNewTeam() {
        let new_team = store.createRecord('team', {
            fight: fight
        }); => {
        }).catch(() => {

    function saveNewPlayer(last_team) {
        let newPlayer = store.createRecord('player', {
            team: last_team
        }); => {
            // handle aftersave
        }).catch(() => {


But there is a problem when the internet connection with server is slow.

If I click many nicknames the code checks the actual status of the fight, it says: "No teams open (available) here, I need a new one" and as you can imagine (because internet is crappy) it creates a lot of teams with just one player, as many as I clicked each of nicknames.

How can I fix this?

I need something like a queue?

Maybe I can click one player and then during the check if I click again I can queue the next player? But I need to show instantly the list of players added.

How to?

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