I am trying to implement infinite scrolling in my app. So I want to make multiple AJAX calls as user scrolls. So I want to get a new set of records from server on scroll. I have an action 'infiniteScrolled' which gets invoked by my custom component on scrolling.
My question is when I try to invoke this.get('handleGridPromise') again, it does not get fired again (probably because the promise was resolved by the 1st call) How can I fix the same ?
handleGridPromise: function() {
var self = this;
var request = self.get('serverParams');
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var promise = self.updateRequest(request);
var deferred = self.doXhrPost(updateRequest, self.get('gridURL'), true, false);
}.property('attr1', 'attr2'),
infiniteScrolled(record, index) {
Ember.set(this.get('serverParams'), 'recordstartindex', index);
Ember.set(this.get('serverParams'), 'recordendindex', index+50);
this.get('handleGridPromise').then((records) => {
const until = Math.min((index + 50), (this.get('model.gridData.length') - 1));
Ember.run.later(() => {
for (index; index < until; index++) {
if (records[index].id === undefined) {
records.replace(index, 1, this.get(`model.gridData.${index}`));
}, 500);
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