samedi 23 février 2019

Nested back-end resources in Ember

This question may be duplicative, but I haven't quite been able to find the answer.

I have a Rails API serving a URI like this:


In Ember I have a route like this: {
  this.route('location', { path: '/locations/:location_id' }, function() {
    this.route('visits' , { path: 'visits' });

..and a model like this:

export default DS.Model.extend({
  name:           DS.attr(),
  visits:         DS.hasMany('visit', { nested: true }),

When I hit /locations/1/visits in the browser, I expect Ember to likewise hit /locations/1/visits on the backend. Instead, it attempts /locations/1 (without visits).

Any ideas how to convince Ember to properly nest the association?


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