vendredi 8 mars 2019

Configuring WSGI to service a single index.html file for a single page application

I have a standard Django application set up using WSGI on Apache2 (Ubuntu 18.04)

I now want to serve all front end content via a single index.html file (still allowing access the /admin url and ensuring the REST api calls via /api work). I'm using Ember for the single page application.

Any help much appreciated!

Here is my current .conf set up:

DocumentRoot /var/www/

Alias /static /home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project/static
<Directory /home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project/static>
      Require all granted

Alias /media /home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project/media
<Directory /home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project/media>
      Require all granted

 <Directory /home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project/someuser_v1_project>
        Require all granted

 WSGIDaemonProcess python-home=/home/someuser/virtualenvs/someuser_env python-path=/home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project
 WSGIScriptAlias / /home/someuser/djangoprojects/someuser_v1_project/someuser_v1_project/

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