jeudi 14 mars 2019

Intellisense for Ember injected services

I am a bit frustrated that there doesn't seem any decent "Ember intellisense" available in any common IDE (like VS Code, Webstorm, Atom). By "intellisense" I mean that, as long as my Ember project is a standard Ember CLI project with all the common Service, Helper folders etc., and I inject e.g. a service using myService: service(), this would be recognized by Intellisense and, after typing this.myService, I would see all functions in the service. Also, if I Ctrl+Click on the function in this.myService.myFunction(), I would expect to navigate to the definition of myFunction.

For other frameworks, such as Angular, there are plugins which support all this.

Is it really the case that in the Year 2019, I have to use "Find in Files" to find the definition of a service function, like I did 25 years ago when programming with Visual Basic 3?

Does anyone know of a way or tool which I might have missed, and which would support this scenario? Note that I don't speak of bare-bones features such as switching between router/controller/template, but of real intellisense for custom objects.

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