lundi 4 mars 2019

using bootstrap with ember 3.8

We start with a new application, using Ember 3.8 and bootstrap/SASS. There seem to be two add-ins available which support bootstrap within Ember, ember-boostrap and ember-cli-bootrap-sassy.

While the former implements ember components for most of the bootstrap features and also "replaces" the original bootstrap.js by it's own implementation, with the latter, it seems I can still use all the original components and js implementations.

From first glace, I would be much more comfortable with ember-cli-bootrap-sassy, since I could still use all bootstrap examples from the web, and having a "customized" version of bootstrap.js also seem somewhat counter-intuitive to me. Also, what about all the bootstrap features ember-bootstrap does not implement, but I still require? It seems like I might be ending with an appliation which would use ember-bootstrap, but additionally uses all sorts of "workarounds" for things not implemented.

Since I don't have much experience in this field, I would be glad for some recommendations and insights from experts.

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