jeudi 23 mai 2019

Ember Data: Pushing the data to the store will not replace the changedAttributes of the record?

I am using Ember Data and I have a model say my-model. I am having a realtime notification server to update my application if there is any change for a record. When I am editing an attribute of my-model from UI, the model has some changedAttributes and when the real time notification comes, I am fetching the record from the server and pushing it to the store using store.push(store.normalize('my-model', data)).

Now, In the store the model still has my changedAttributes and it is not replaced. So I believe, the Ember Store will not replace the entire record and will replace only the clean attributes of the record when I do a store.push. I just want to confirm the behaviour. Can someone confirm if my understanding about this is right?

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