lundi 20 mai 2019

options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.callback not getting updated dynamically in ember-cli-chart

I have embedded ember-cli-chart in my hbs file as

<div class="chart">

In my component file I have created an options property as

options: computed('metric', function() {
  let opts = defaultOptions;
  if (this.metric === 'height') {
     opts.scales.yAxes = [{
         ticks: {
             callback: function(value, index, values) {
              // code to return labels
  } else {
     opts.scales.yAxes = [{
         ticks: {
             callback: function(item, index, items) {
                 // code to return labels

  return opts;

I want to display Y-Axis labels based on the current selected metric. When first time chart loads it renders correct labels on y-Axis and if I change the metric then the same callback is getting used instead of the other one (in else part) and renders same labels but with updated data values. Can anyone help on this?

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