mardi 27 janvier 2015

Appending Ember Component to a DOM element not managed by Ember

I would like to append an Ember Component ComponentB to a DOM element which is generated by some non-Ember UI library on didInsertElement of ComponentA, resulting in something like

<div class='ember-view component-a'>
<div class='i-know-nothing-of-ember'>
<div class='ember-view component-b'></div>

I am aware of appendTo(element) method, however it fails with assertion

You cannot append to an existing Ember.View. Consider using Ember.ContainerView instead.

I also tried calling createElement on component B and then appending it to DOM via jQuery - which kind of works, however in the end it fails with error

Cannot set property '_elementInserted' of null


What is the proper way to achieve the above; if possible actions and other behaviours should be as if i-know-nothing-of-ember would be generated by Component A template.

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