mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Packaging an object for a model with a dynamic route is undefined — why?

Playing around with with EmberJS, and I'm trying to understand some behaviour with routes right now.

I'm building a test app with the intention of hooking into the Rdio API and displaying albums/songs for various artists.

Right now, there are only two views: The Index (a listing of all available albums), and an individual Album view.

The dynamic route is defined like so: {
this.route("album", { path: "/album/:key" });

And given a fixture that looks like this...

App.ALBUMS = {
"status": "ok",
"result": [
"key": "a5337866",
"icon": "",
"artist": "The Decemberists",
"key": "a5229271",
"icon": "",
"artist": "Nicki Minaj",

...the index works just fine:

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return {albums:App.ALBUMS.result }

(I've intentionally packaged App.ALBUMS.result in an object so that I can pack more information into it later.)

Lyrically Index Page

However, when I get to the Album view, I get a problem:

App.AlbumRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params){
console.log(App.ALBUMS.result.findBy('key',params.key)); //Logs object just fine
return App.ALBUMS.result.findBy('key',params.key); //ERROR

Packaging that return value (which should already be an object) in a second object or array though, and it works.

return [App.ALBUMS.result.findBy('key',params.key)];
return {album: App.ALBUMS.result.findBy('key',params.key)};


The error itself is rather unhelpful:

Error while processing route: album undefined is not a function TypeError: undefined is not a function
at EmberObject.extend._setupArrangedContent (
at null._arrangedContentDidChange (
at applyStr (
at sendEvent (
at notifyObservers (
at propertyDidChange (
at iterDeps (
at dependentKeysDidChange (
at propertyDidChange (
at iterDeps (

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