I have a stdlib
initializer. In that initializer, i reopen some of built-in Ember classes and add some custom methods. For example, an Ember.Enumerable#reverseEach
They work fine in the app, but in tests i receive "reverseEach: undefined is not a function".
How do i indicate that the test should use the initializer?
I tried needs: [..., 'initializer:stdlib']
. It does not stumble upon that, but i still receive the "undefined" error.
Here's an example test:
`import { test, moduleForModel } from 'ember-qunit'`
moduleForModel 'foo', 'foo',
needs: [
test 'deleteLastNItems', ->
model = @subject()
model.set '', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux']
model.deleteLastNItems 2 # This should not die with "reverseEach: undefined is not a function"
deepEquals model.get('someProperty'), ['foo', 'bar']
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