samedi 29 août 2015

ember-cli with rails-api app working in localhost but not in heroku

I'm using the rails-api gem to generate api for my app and using Ember-cli, pretty much the same setup as here :

I did, however, namespace my api by using scope in routes.rb like so:

scope '/api' do 
    root 'teachers#index'
    resources :teachers, except: [:new, :edit]


Now, when I do

ember server --proxy http://localhost:3000/api/

my app works on localhost.

I then deployed both applications to heroku: the rails to, say, and the ember-app to

I used this buildpack:

and as per the instructions there, used

heroku config:set API_URL=


heroku config:set API_PREFIX_PATH=/api/

Yet when I go to, my data never loads. It shows up as json on clearly, but when I try and load my, I get this error:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
    at Object.parse (native)
    at ie.parseJSON (
    at q (
    at r (
    at XMLHttpRequest.t (

This error never shows on the development side.

Then, when I try to create a new Teacher using the ember interface, I get this error:

POST 405 (Not Allowed)

What is causing these errors? How do I get my ember app to communicate with my rails-api app on Heroku?

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