mardi 25 août 2015

Ember data and promises in model

I'm currently trying to load an array of promises to the model, but when I start looping through results in the template, I can't access any relationships. Even though if I just return a single promise, I can access the relationships within the template.

I'm I missing something on how to handle the return values from the promises to be handle as if it was single?

Model - grouped item

export default DS.Model.extend({
  group:          DS.belongsTo('group', { async :  false }),

Model - group

export default DS.Model.extend({
    code:          DS.attr('string'),
    name:          DS.attr('string'),

Single model example

model : function(){
   return'groupedItem', { group_code: 'HOME', position : 1 });

In template I can access model relationships like this

{{#each model as |section|}}

------ Model as array promise --------

model : function(){
   return Ember.RSVP.Promise.all(Ember.A(['groupedItem', { group_code: 'HOME', position : 1 }),'groupedItem', { group_code: 'HOME', position : 2 }),

In template, accessing relationships fails

{{#each model as |section|}}
  {{#each section.content as |item|}}

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