samedi 28 novembre 2015

cant get the model value in template

just started to play with emberjs.dont know if this is stupid question or good one, but I am stuck in this for some days and cant figure out why.

in my router.js {
  this.resource('posts', {path: '/'});

  this.resource('post', {path: 'posts/:post_id'});

and in the route folder i have posts.js setup as has simple js varible used to hold id , title, and body of articles.

export default Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function(){
         var posts = [
        title:'lipsome vesicle',
        body:"A liposome is a spherical vesicle"},      
        title:'another lipsome vesicle',
        body:"A liposome is a another vesicle"}
        return posts;

In posts.hbs, the title of each post is shown as link to the to post. of course by looping through each model as |post| and print link-to post.title.

my post.js file simply get the model for posts and returns it.

export default Ember.Route.extend({

    model: function(params) {

        return this.modelFor('posts').findBy('id', params.post_id);

In my template for post.hbs I wanted to simply show the title and body for the post .It would have been more redable if it was like post.title or something like that. but i saw some tutorials that does following.


the url goes to the localhost:4200/post/1 but I cannot see the title and body

when I checked the value in console for

 this.modelFor('posts').findBy('id', params.post_id).title , it prints the title

but view is blank. I have read somewhere, that the controller is the one that is responsible to get the value from model. in that case too, I dont know how to access the returned model in that controller.

I have watched many tutorials, including the raffler example by railscast, since I have background in rails. but those tuts including lot other seems preety outdated. So for all new learners this is frustating and confusing too. Is there good fresh resources except the emberjs guide?

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