jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Ember 1.13.8 - {{em-form}} values not updating after clicking save

Using the package - I am trying to save some information from the form

{{#em-form action="submit" model=model submit_button=showSubmitButton}}
   {{em-input type="text" property="username" label="username" }}
   {{em-input type="email" property="emailid" label="email" }}
   {{em-input type="password" property="password" label="password"}}
   <button class="btn btn-primary"> save </button>

I am trying to save the data and it's storing the data properly in the backend. For some reason it's not clearing the form values.

Right now i am using some kind of jugaad fix to remove those values after saving the data. Any help would be great.

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