lundi 10 avril 2017

Ember prerender not loading model data

I'm trying to use Ember Prerender to serve up a page for webcrawlers. In the route, I am trying to access the model objects in the setupController() method to set some opengraph header tags. For some reason it seems that the model object is available, but none of the side-loaded data is included in the model, so the model is useless. I've examined the network traffic and confirmed that the same data is being sent to the server. I've also used console.log to print out the model object and the model object itself is there, but no side-loaded data is present.

I've tried using window.prerenderReady to delay when the page is scraped but that doesn't make any difference. (I know the delay is happening because it loads by the right amount of time slower). The page works correctly when I load it normally in a browser.

Any help?

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