vendredi 7 avril 2017

Scrape a web page that uses ember-simple-auth?

I'm trying to scrape a web page that uses ember-simple-auth. I can't figure out how to authenticate.

After I log in, I look at my browser's cookies and see ember_simple_auth:session, which is (decoding 7B%22 and the like):


There are also cookies for ember_simple_auth:session:expiration_time and usageProfileRole-9876.

I'm using Python's requests library, but something simple doesn't work:

cookie = {'ember_simple_auth:session':[from above]}
page ='', cookies=cookie).content

I also tried including the session:expiration and usageProfile cookies. I tried both encoded and decoded versions of the cookie values.

All the examples I can find are from the server side. How can I authenticate so that I can scrape a page from the site?

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