I am trying to encode strings with UTF-8 when they are saved into the database, when I read them out the database within ember I decode then with decodeURIComponent
However I would like if a topic has a space for example 'word word' for it to be decoded as word word
at the moment it decodes it like this 'word+word'
is there a way to fix this issue?
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Helper.extend({
localeService: Ember.inject.service('locale'),
compute(params) {
let localeCode = this.get('localeService.currentLocaleCode');
params[0].forEach(function (singleTopic) {
if (singleTopic.name.hasOwnProperty("values")) {
singleTopic.name.values[localeCode] = decodeURIComponent(singleTopic.name.values[localeCode]);
} else {
singleTopic.name = decodeURIComponent(singleTopic.name);
return params[0];
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