jeudi 9 novembre 2017

Ember Engines Component does not render content

I inherited an ember application and can't figure out how to add a component to an engine.

I tried to create the component with:

web-app$ ember g component about-profile -ir fs-engine
installing component
  create lib/fs-engine/addon/components/about-profile.js
  create lib/fs-engine/addon/templates/components/about-profile.hbs
installing component-test
  create tests/integration/components/about-profile-test.js
installing component-addon
  create lib/fs-engine/app/components/about-profile.js

I then added the following to lib/fs-engine/addon/templates/components/about-profile.hbs

  <p>Please work</p>

I try to invoke this component at the template file lib/fs-engine/addon/templates/gw/itemdetail.hbs


It returns empty. Nothing is rendered. No error messages are displayed anywhere.

I am sure I am missing something very basic since I am new to Ember but I did read Ember Engines guide ( and Ember Component guide (

thanks for your help!

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