vendredi 24 novembre 2017

Passing $.geJSON object to another ember controller

So i'm struggling getting this to work. Maybe my aproatch is not good. I'm quite noob at using a Frontend framework like ember.js.

So, i've got a $.getJSON request obtaining a JSON data from a local file. The problem is that I need to pass this data, not to the template but to another object inside one ember controller.

I'm trying to use ember-cli-charts to I need to return the object in the last lines of the propierty.

  diffData: Ember.computed('model', function(){

    let url = "log_hr24_diff.json";
    let diff_data = Ember.$.getJSON(url);         

    return {
      labels: ['Difficulty', 'Date'],
      datasets: [
        label: "Difficulty",
        data: diff_data
        label: "Date",
        data: date_data

So that is not working. Either do this:

let diff_data = Ember.$.getJSON(url).then(function(data){
       return Ember.Object.create(data);

So how do I get the JSON object from the diff_data JSON response to pass it to the return object?

Tried and search it a lot, but couldn't find an answer.

Thanks in advance!

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