lundi 9 avril 2018

Importing multiple functions from module without explicitly exporting object or named export


export function add(x, y) {
    return x + y;
export function subtract(x, y) {
    return x - y;


import add from "./../utils/mathlib"; //not working. but if I do default export like `export default function add(x, y)` it will work
import { add } from "./../utils/mathlib"; //working
import * as MathLib from "./../utils/mathlib"; //working

But I want to import all the functions available in the module with the same identifier without importing separately or through importing object. Something like the below,

import * from "./../utils/mathlib"

I should be able to use add, subtract function.

The reasoning behind this use case is, Whenever I add new functions in MathLib.js it should be available without modifying.(I took MathLib as sample use case only, in my real use case all the functions is necessary whenever I import the module).

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