lundi 28 mai 2018

ember cookie vs server cookie

I am using Ember.

I am using ember simple auth. This question is clear my confusion related to cookies etc.

I have configure ember storage to cookie.

My server is sending a cookie to be saved at client side.

I have understanding that 1. browser automatically captures the cookie (mean it should be visible in dev tool) 2. browser automatically add this cookie in subsequent requests. 3. I don't need to do anything extra with Ember Simple Auth as server cookie is by default handled by browser.

Based on this understanding, in Chrome inspector I just see one cookie of ember-simple-auth and nothing else.

My questions are:

1- Should I see a separate cookie (the one sent from server) in dev tool along with Ember cookie (set by Ember simple Auth)? or my server cookie has to be embedded in Ember Cookie? 2- Is this right concept that ember cookie is storage for Ember but server cookie is the one that browser will capture and send in header in subsequent requests?

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