jeudi 10 mai 2018

Ember Push Range To Array

I have to variables in my template "from" and "to" that loops through array of data in a select tag

i want to push the "from", "to" and the values in between to another array

like if the array was like this


if the user chose "2" in the from field and "6" in the "to" field i want to push "2" and "6" and the data in between so the result would be


i tried to this

result : [],
time : Ember.computed('from', 'to', function() {
    this.get('formData.time').forEach(time => {
    // formData.time is a service from which i'm getting the array
        if (time == this.get('from')) this.get('result').push(time)
        if (time == this.get('to')) this.get('result').push(time)
    return this.get('result')

but it pushes all the array, i know it's a wrong approach that i'm doing but i couldn't find the proper way to do it

Help Appreciated.

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