mercredi 2 mai 2018

Ember - selectize error -- You modified "focused" twice

I have an ember selectize field - and when I create the item - it adds it to be my dropdown ok - but it does not autoselect it. I've tried to set the model and this works, but it produces an error. Not sure what it means or how to rectify.

in my actions I have something like this

     createItem(item) {
       console.log("create ", item);
       this.set('references', this.get('references').addObject({reference:item}));//add item to references and set the referenc.agenda.method.valuees
       //this line here creates the error.
       this.set('model.campaignReference', item);//set the campaign reference in the model

the error

EmberError {description: undefined, fileName: undefined, lineNumber: undefined, message: "Assertion Failed: You modified "focused" twice on …m/emberjs/ember.js/issues/13948 for more details.", name: "Error", …}

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