mercredi 16 mai 2018

ember-electron: Different assets compiled for ember and electron apps

I'm trying to turn an existing ember app to electron app using ember-electron addon. When I run ember serve and ember electron, files in dist and electron-out/project/ember are getting generated newly.

But the assets in these folders are different.

I'm using fingerprinted assets.

The assets expected by index.html file in electron-out/project/ember aren't present in dist/assets folder.

In ember-electron/main.js, I have the lines -

  cwd: join(__dirname || resolve(dirname('')), '..', 'ember'),


const emberAppLocation = 'serve://dist';

From my understanding, there are separate assets compiled for ember-electron app whose index.html refers to ember-electron assets but trying to fetch them from dist.

What is wrongly configured here? Please help!

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