vendredi 16 novembre 2018

Re render a component from another component Ember

I'm trying to re-render a specific component when another component is clicked. When the user clicks the particular button component, a variable in sessionStorage changes, which is used by another component to display data. Upon click I want that specific component to re-render itself. I have seen Ember Re-render component and Ember Rerendering component within component, but they don't seem to be working in my case. Here are my files:


  <button class= > Accounts </button>


import Component from '@ember/component';
import MD from "../../utils/metadata";

export default Component.extend({
  init: function() {
    this.metaData = MD.create().getMetaViewStuff("Leads", "record", "buttons");
    //    console.log(this.metaData);
  actions: {
    changeToAccounts: function() {
      sessionStorage.setItem('module', "Accounts");



 <!--This button is same as button-cancel-->

components/field-list-headers (the component that needs re-rendering)

import Component from '@ember/component';
import MD from "../utils/metadata"

export default Component.extend({
  init: function(){
    this.metaData = MD.create().getMetaViewStuff(sessionStorage.getItem('module'), "list", "panels")

function getMetaViewStuff

  getMetaViewStuff: function(module, submodule, item, i18n) {
    if (this.modules[module]["views"][submodule]["meta"] !== undefined && this.modules[module]["views"][submodule]["meta"][item] !== undefined) {
      let meta = this.modules[module]["views"][submodule]["meta"][item];
      return meta;
    return false;

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