vendredi 2 août 2019

How to access validation on model that belongs to current model?

I have Models as follows: "recommendedProduct" belongsTo "recommendation" belongsTo "recommendedAdjustment" belongsTo "report". I am trying to access the validation on recommendedProduct in report template with ember-cp-validations but I'm not getting anything on screen?

Tried all sorts of variations of: model.recommendedAdjustment.recommendation.recommendedProduct.recommendedProductSuppliers No one is helping on Discord. Docs don't have enough information to solve the issue

   <div class="col-sm-4">Sole supplier required</div>
   <div class="col-sm-4">Sole supplier not required</div>

I expect one div to show depending on if the recommendedProductSuppliers validation in the recommendedProduct Model is valid or not.

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