mercredi 7 août 2019

if id is invalid, go to another ember route

I have an ember project, the main concep is there is a list of books on the route /books, but you can pass in a book id in /books/1 and it would view that book only. Here is the router i made...
    this.route('books', {path: '/'});
    this.route('books', {path: '/*path'});
    this.route('books', {path: 'books/:book_id'});

So my default path will always be /books except if the user passes in an id

On my books route, I have the following functions

setupController(controller, model)

    return params;

So the model function returns the id and the setupController function will run on init and call the loadBook function in the controller passing in the id

In my controller I have my loadBook function

routerService: service('router'),

    const validBook = (book === 1);
    if (!validBook)

So this works, if I go to /books/1, Its a valid book. But if I go to books/2, It will go in that function and transition to /books but the url is still books/2.

Is there any way to actually transition to /books so the url says that, thanks

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