mercredi 14 août 2019

Unable to polyfill Object.fromEntries in Ember

I have a simple Ember app and I need to polyfill Object.fromEntries in a component.

For reference, I use Safari 12.1.1 that supports fromEntries natively and Safari 11.1.1 that does not.

AFAIK, all I should need is a proper ember-cli-build.js config.

I would appreciate it if someone could tell me why the following tweaks do not properly polyfill the function:

const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {

  'ember-cli-babel': {
    // supposedly should inject core-js/stable into app
    // @see
    includePolyfill: true,

  babel: {
    // should replace injected core-js/stable with imports
    // that are not natively supported by config/targets.js
    // @see
    useBuiltIns: 'entry',

    // explicitly use corejs v3 per babel-preset-env docs
    corejs: 3,

    // force inclusion of fromEntries regardless of config/targets.js
    include: [


I can see it's there:

Package versions:

  • ember-source@3.7.2
  • ember-cli@3.5.0
  • ember-cli-babel@7.5.0
  • @babel/core@7.5.5
  • core-js@3.2.1

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