jeudi 30 avril 2015

EmberJS / Select / Content (list) / Selection / Object Equality / Compare (comparison)

I have a route like this:

ConsultasRoute = Em.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    return Em.Object.create({
      tipoClave: undefined,
      tipoConsulta: {id: 2, nombre: 'yow man'}

I have a controller like this:

ConsultasController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  tipoConsultas: [{id: 1, nombre: 'dudeee'}, {id: 2, nombre: 'yow man'}] 

And a template like this:

{{view 'select' content=tipoConsultas selection=model.tipoConsulta optionValue="" optionLabelPath="content.nombre" prompt="Selecciona tipo consulta"}}

The idea is: by default the selected tipo consulta is "yow man".

But this does not work; "yow man" is not selected by default.

I think object-equality thing is in the play here. How to tell ember to do object-equality check using specific property of an object (e.g.: the "id") ?

I read about this Comparable Mixin: maybe this can help (?). But I can't find an example of its correct use anywhere.

Can someone show me how to solve this?

Thanks in advance, Raka

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