jeudi 30 avril 2015

How to reference ember.js controllers that are in nested folders?

I'm building an EventController that has little modules of logic within sections or div's of the event screen.

Say for instance, event details may be in the main Event template but a small section might be the user's status with the event such as whether they RSVP'd etc. but since it's controlled by a different model than the event I'd think it should have it's own controller.

Would I put this in the EventController like such:

Controller = BaseController.extend
  needs: ['event/user-status-area']
  userStatusArea: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.event.user-status-area")

This obviously isn't working otherwise I wouldn't be here... but I'm looking for suggestions.

I'm very new to ember / ember-cli concepts so I'm sorry if I'm just blatantly way off base here.

In my brain, I would imagine keeping everything about an event centralized under the one EventController...

Am I missing something big? Is this possibly where the "Router" comes in?

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