I have a model for a type of object "Module". Simplified, it is like this:
App.Module = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
orModules: DS.hasMany('module', { inverse: null }), // reflexive relship
In the view of the Module
, there should be a list of all Module
records that are not the current model
, and not contained in model.orModules
. I think this information does not belong in the App.Module
but in the App.ModuleController
The problem is that I still haven't got my head around the promises and asynchronous stuff, and the "classes" in Ember
and DS
like DS.PromiseArray
Good, this is my attempt:
App.ModuleController = Ember.Controller.extend({
availableModules: function () {
var thisModule = this.get('model');
var allModules = this.store.findAll('module'); // this is a promise, right?
var orModules = thisModule.get('orModules'); // this as well, more exactly a `DS.PromiseArray`, right?
return DS.PromiseArray.create({
promise: Ember.RSVP.hash({allMods: allModules, orMods: orModules}, function (res) {
// Here I guess both promises are fulfilled, so I
// have access to all data
// But, first problem res.allMods and res.orMods have different interfaces.
// I can access res.allMods.content for the Module objects, and call mod.get('id'), but I have trouble transversing res.orMods.
// And the second and big problem is, I don't know what should I return.
// even returning some hardcoded value raises an exception
// "Assertion Failed: ArrayProxy expects an Array or Ember.ArrayProxy, but you passed object
return [{id: 666, name: '666'}];
So, as you can see I'm pretty confused. Any help? thanks in advance.
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