mardi 29 septembre 2015

Ember with ajax post creates an additional browser history before the actual page, thus, you needing to click back button twice

Our client calls our webpage built in ember. Our webpage initiates an ajax post to the back-end using restful web-service to authenticate the session id before showing the pages. I noticed that the browser history creates two entries, one created from the ajax call (URL with session) and the actual page (URL with session plus hashed name automatically done by ember defined in your router) respectively.

Now, our Ember page has a BACK button that just implements the history.go(-1). Because the loading of the page generates two history entries, i need to press it twice.

My initial thought was to use history.go(-2) but i want a better fix of having to make history.go(-1) work. Let's say, making the ajax call not create an additional entry in the history.

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