mardi 29 septembre 2015

How do you render a template dynamically when not leaving a route?

I'm working on a tabbed modal, whose endpoint looks like 'account/tab_id'. When navigating from, say 'account/1' to 'account/2' the url updates as it should and all of the hooks kick off as intended with the exception of the renderTemplate hook. Do you have any thoughts on how I can rework this to get that hook firing? My relevant route code looks like:

    var tabId = params.tab_id, 
    parentModel = this.modelFor('dashboard.home.account');
    return parentModel;
    this.set('templateName',this.get('modelName') + '/' + this.get('tabId'));
renderTemplate: function(controller,model) {
    //not getting called after first render
    this.render('edit.'+ this.get('templateName'),{ 
        outlet: 'modal' 

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