jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Dasherize properties for JSONAPI

I have this model in my drf backend:

class Product:

    price_range = ...

I am using EmberData with the JSONApi serializer. I have just found out that JSON API requires dasherized properties. So I need to tell drf:

JSON_API_FORMAT_KEYS = 'dasherize'

And the property gets serialized in the JSON as:


Then, EmberData does its dance, and I get the Ember model property:

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Model.extend({
    priceRange: DS.attr('number'),

(the old RESTSerializer was expecting priceRange in the JSON, if I recall properly)

So, we go from price_range -> price-range -> priceRange (which is pretty crazy if you ask me). I found all this by trial and error. For drf the corresponding settings are documented here.

Where is this documented for JSONApi, EmberData and Ember? I would like to make sure I have really understood this, and that this is also the case for relationships. The related drf config setting would be:


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